Me direct to You. I love being a speaker who inspires and energizes audiences to live a life of meaning, power and purpose. Combining inspiration, practical “how to make it happen” advice and my own unique Bravery Becomes You Get Brave Navigation System, opens a new way of perceiving and responding to dreams, goals and desires. I offer mind changing, lasting concepts that reveal each person’s unique strength, the confidence to develop and sustain growth, satisfaction and joy and the ability to conquer internal and external challenges and obstacles. The goal? To live a life that’s aligned with who you are and who you want to be is my wish for everyone.
Learning to listen and answer the the inner call, discovering the power of the imagination, activating creative intelligence and taking action works. And best of all it doesn’t have to be difficult. A life of natural ease, satisfaction an personal growth and success is the goal.
When emotional intelligence meets bravery, anything is possible. The response has been enthusiastic!
I speak at corporate events, associations and to any size group (large or small) that wants to offer a new way of thinking, being and doing to their members. My Get Brave Navigation System adds staying power to the inspiration and knowing that’s revealed at my speaking engagements.
Here’s a sample subject list that may inspire you right now!
Bravery Becomes You: Create Your Best Life Story and Live It Today
The Power of Story to Change Your Life
The Power of Story: Bee Line Past the Brain
Old Story/New Story: Where’s Your Future?
Are You Certifiable? (the power of your own wisdom)
Have You Activated Your Secondary Operating System?
Inner Intelligence: The Key to Communication and Connection.