Hearing voices? You know that small whisper that says, “Don’t you think it’s time to do what you really really want to do?” I know the voice well. But for years, my response was “I’ll get back to you.” Why? No time. Too busy. Overwhelmed. And clearly not ready to face what I really wanted to do and the work it would take. And after all, my life seemed fine on many levels. Success in work, family, and adventure were all happening. Life was good. But slowly the message began to sink in. I realized my happiness had become an amazing check list of accomplishments. Something was missing. But I had no idea what to do. My already busy brain didn’t have the energy or the time or the focus to change. I was stuck with no way out.
But that voice kept calling. I kept hanging up. And then finally one day I took the call and listened to that never-give-up voice within that said very clearly, “Its time to do what you really really want to do. What are you waiting for? If not now when?”
Okay! I finally listened and with very tiny steps that included many stops and starts, and lots of education, I discovered “my calling” as an Emotional Intelligence Life Coach and Business Coach. But the calling didn’t end. It kept on coming. And as I listened, I pushed myself as my calling expanded into workshops, speaking, and the realization that I’d learned a new way to live my life. I’d found a new, powerful, easy, meaningful way to travel the road where my purpose, passion and power were unfolding. I found exactly what I’d been looking for. And, I knew I had to share it. (Because sharing and growing together is one of my favorite things).
The result? Bravery Becomes You…a new way to think and feel. And act! My Get Brave Navigation System came next as a easy way to stay on the bravery path of passion, power and purpose. And as I used and integrated thinking, feeling and action, I began to feel more confident, joyful, and strong. In fact, I felt like I was turning into my own action hero, ready to save the day! I was living a life I loved! Finally. And so can you.
It turns out that Bravery is the energy that pushes you to say yes to what’s best for you, and no to what doesn’t work. It’s the antidote to doubt, fear and worry. And my Get Brave navigation system is something you can use and again and again to keep moving forward on your life’s journey.
And speaking of fear!!! No matter how many ideas you have simmering, or desire you have to be more, the future is uncertain. Stepping into your own unique path, that matches what you really, really want to be, is like walking into the dark. It’s uncharted territory. And that’s true for everyone, no matter where they are in their lives. Every next step is always into the unknown, unless, they’re following in someone else’s footsteps. Warning! That’s their path, not yours!!!
Bravery makes that journey possible, exciting, joyful and empowering.
My intention for this blog is to share brave inspiration that will set you free to explore and live your own Bravery Becomes You journey and that you will uncover your gifts, your strengths and talent for overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of your happiness. And since it’s always nice to have a guide on a journey, I know that together we can design a life you love.
I’ll be sharing insights, “how to” success tips and strategies that will make navigating the future a pleasure. Nothing feels better than being true to yourself, and standing up for who you and what you want to do.
First step. Tune in and listen to the whispers that are you. Your future is calling.